Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


Klasifikasi Umum :
Badan klasifikasi menerbitkan peraturan Klasifikasi yang berisikan persyaratan untuk mengklasifikasikan dan pemeliharaan kapal .Kriteria Aplikasi untk peraturan klasifikasi dibedakan dalam beberapa bagian yang diatur ketentuannya di Bagian A sampai Bagian F dari Classification rules and regulation :
  • Part A – Classification dan Surveys berlaku untuk semua jenis kapal.
  • Part B - Hull and Stability/Lambung dan stabilitas kapal,
  • Part C - Machinery an Systems/sistim Permesinan,
  • Part D - Materials and Welding
  • Part E - Service Notations apply to seagoing ships whose hull is of welded steel construction. Where necessary, the extent of application is more precisely defined in each chapter of these parts of the Rules.
  • Part F - Additional Class Notations applies, at the request of the Interested Party, to all ships.
Didalam peraturan klasifikasi terdapat difinisi – difinisi Umum yang sudah baku dan dimengerti secara International sebagai berikut :
  • Society means the Classification Society with which the ship is classed
  • Rules means these Rules for the Classification of Ships and documents issued by the Society serving the same purpose
  • Surveyor means technical staff acting on behalf of the Society to perform tasks in relation to classification and survey duties
  • Survey means an intervention by the Surveyor for assignment or maintenance of class as defined in Part A, Chapter 2 , or interventions by the Surveyor within the limits of the tasks delegated by the Administration.
  • Administration means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly or the State under whose authority the ship is operating in the specific case
  • Interested Party means a party, other than the Society, having responsibility for the classification of the ship, such as the Owners of a ship and his representatives, or the Shipbuilder, or the Engine Builder, or the Supplier of parts to be tested
  • Owner means the Registered Owner or the Disponent Owner or the Manager or any other party having the responsibility to keep the ship seaworthy, having particular regard to the provisions relating to the maintenance of class laid down in Part A, Chapter 2
  • Approval means the review by the Society of documents, procedures or other items related to classification, verifying solely their compliance with the relevant Rules requirements, or other referentials where requested
  • Type approval means an approval process for verifying compliance with the Rules of a product, a group of products or a system, and considered by the Society as representative of continuous production
  • Essential service is intended to mean a service necessary for a ship to proceed at sea, be steered or manoeuvred, or undertake activities connected with its operation, and for the safety of life, as far as class is concerned.
Didalam proses klasifikasi dimulai dari pemahaman peraturan Klasifikasi yang meliputi Rules, guidance notes dan dokumen2 lain yang diperlukan oleh suatu kapal, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses pengesahan gambar2 dan perhitungan, kemudian apabila sudah memenuhi seluruh ketentuan Klasifikasi maka akan diterbitkan sertifikat untuk kapal yang bersangkutan. Selanjutnya sesuai dengan ketentuan klasifikasi, kapal secara berkala harus diadakan pemeriksaan dengan tujuan klasifikasinya masih dapat dipertahankan.
  • the development of Rules, guidance notes and other documents relevant to the ship, structure, material, equipment, machinery and other items covered by such documents
  • the review of plans and calculations and the surveys, checks and tests intended to demonstrate that the ship meets the Rules (see Ch 2, Sec 1 )
  • the assignment of class (see Ch 1, Sec 2 ) and issue of a Certificate of Classification, where compliance with the above Rules is found
  • the periodical, occasional and class renewal surveys performed to record that the ship in service meets the conditions for maintenance of class (see Ch 2, Sec 2 ).
Dokumen-dokumen klasifikasi merupakan dokumen yang tidak dapat dirubah atau diganggu gugat oleh pihak atau badan lain dan sebaliknya pihak Klasifikasi juga tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap produk, desain atau pekerjaan pihak lain walaupun beberapa juga berkaitan dengan Klasifikasi.
  • The Rules, surveys performed, reports, certificates and other documents issued by the Society, are in no way intended to replace or alleviate the duties and responsibilities of other parties such as Administrations, Designers, Shipbuilders, Manufacturers, Repairers, Suppliers, Contractors or Sub-contractors, actual or prospective Owners or Operators, Charterers, Brokers, Cargo-owners and Underwriters.
  • The activities of such parties which fall outside the scope of the classification as set out in the Rules, such as design, engineering, manufacturing, operating alternatives, choice of type and power of machinery and equipment, number and qualification of crew or operating personnel, lines of the ship, trim, hull vibrations, spare parts including their number, location and fastening arrangements, life-saving appliances, and maintenance equipment, remain therefore the responsibility of those parties, even if these matters may be given consideration for classification according to the type of ship or additional class notation assigned.
Untuk konstruksi yang terpisah atau berdiri sendiri diatas kapal, bejana tekan, permesinan ataupun alat angkat berat yang bekerja terpisah diatas kapal semuanya itu tidak termasuk dalam lingkup Klasifikasi kecuali secara khusus memang diklaskan.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the Rules do not deal with structures, pressure vessels, machinery and equipment which are not permanently installed and used solely for operational activities such as dredging or heavy load lifting, workshops or welding equipment, except for their effect on the classification-related matters, as declared by the Interested Party, such as fire protection and ship's general strength
  • During periods of construction, modification or repair, the unit is solely under the responsibility of the builder or the repair yard. As an example, the builder or repair yard is to ensure that the construction, modification or repair activities are compatible with the design strength of the ship and that no permanent deformations are sustained.
Didalam permintaan/permohonan Klasifikasi pihak pemilik kapal harus mengajukan permintaan secara tertulis dan pihak pemilik kapal harus menerapkan seluruh peraturan dari badan Klasifikasi, hal ini berlaku untuk kapal baru ataupun kapal yang sudah beroperasi, dan pihak klasifikasi dapat membatalkan atau mencabut Klasifikasinya apabila kapal yang diklaskan tersebut tidak memenuhi ketentuan peraturan Klasifikasi.
  • Requests for interventions by the Society, such as suveys during construction, surveys of ships in service, tests, etc., are in principle to be submitted in writing and signed by the Interested Party. Such request implies that the applicant will abide by all the relevant requirements of the Rules, including the Marine Division General Conditions.
  • The Society reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the class of any ship for which any applicable requirement of the Rules is not complied with.
Pihak Klasifikasi secara berkala menerbitkan daftar kapal-kapal yang diklaskan berisi data dan nama-nama kapal yang sudah mendapatkan sertifikat Klasifikasi dan pada umumnya selalu diperbaharui setiap tahun atau secara berkala apabila ada tambahan atau pengurangan juga akan dicantumkan dalam Supplement yang diterbitkan setiap kwartal.
  • A Register of Ships is published periodically by the Society. This publication, which is updated by the Society, contains the names of ships which have received the Certificate of Classification, as well as particulars of the class assigned and information concerning each ship.
Pelaksanaan survey Klasifikasi secara berkala memiliki beberapa jadwal yang diterapkan untuk survey setiap kapal berdasarkan waktu dan jenis survey.
  • Annual Survey :survey yang dilakukan setiap tahun dan jatuh temponya bertepatan dengan tanggal penerbitan sertifikat.
  • Intermediate Survey – survey yang dilakukan setiap 2 ½ tahun yang berada diantara survey pembaharuan Klas kapal.
  • Class Renewal Survey – survey pembaharuan klas yang dilakukan setiap 5 tahun bertepatan dengan berakhirnya masa berlaku sertifikat kapal.
  • Bottom Survey survey bagian bawah garis air lambung kapal yang dilakukan diatas dok setiap 2 ½ tahun
  • Tailshaft Survey – survey poros propeller dengan mencabut poros propeller yang dilakukan setiap 5 – 10 tahun
  • Boiler Survey – survey boiler dengan membuka dan melepas seluruh komponen boiler

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